* Required

Camper Information

Name child would prefer to be known as (if different from first name)​
Note: Camp at Odyssey is for current kindergartners through 6th graders.​

Parent Information

Parent/Guardian email​
Would you like to add information for an additional parent or guardian?​
Parent/Guardian email​​
In case of emergency, this person can be called.​​
Emerg​ency contact's relationship to camper​

Health Information

Max file size: 10 MB
Max file size: 10 MB
If no allergies, type N/A​
Use this area to describe the allergies in more detail (hives, swelling, etc.)​​

Parent Questionnaire

How would you assess your child's major strengths?​​​
How would you assess your child's greatest academic need(s)?​​
What outside interests does your child have?​
Describe your child's relationships with peers and/or other family members:​

May we use photographs of your child participating in Odyssey Summer Camp activities?​​​​

Please provide an email address where we can send a link to your current form.

Email Address :